How to Prepare Household Appliances for Shipping
Monday, 17 February 2020 by Phlatbed
Prepare your Household Appliances for Shipping in six easy steps Sold a large household item and need to prepare it for shipment? We always procrastinate shipping large household items. The main reason is how to prepare those items for pickup. Make sure your items such as furniture, stoves, washing machines or refrigerators are packed and
- Published in consumer logistics, Logistic, on demand delivery, on demand moving and furniture delivery, on demand pickup, on-demand delivery, ondemand delivery, ondemand moving and furniture delivery
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Why do people move?
Monday, 26 November 2018 by Phlatbed
#on-demand moving app#ondemanddelivery#ondemandmovingcollaborativeconsumptiongigeconomyjunk removalmoving on demandon demand deliveryon demand movingon demand moving and furniture deliveryondemandondemand deliveryondemand furniture deliveryondemand movingondemand moving and furniture deliveryondemand pickupphlatbed moving on demandsharing economysharingeconomyventure capital investment ondemand
3 things to know about idle capital
Friday, 03 August 2018 by Phlatbed
If you own a car, rent an apartment, own a house, washer/dryer unit, bike, stove, deep freezer, office space, conference room, parking spot, or even a garage……you have idle capital and should be converting it into a revenue generating source. Unfortunately, very few people truly understand the meaning of what idle capital is. So let’s
5 ways to Boost your Local Economy
Monday, 14 November 2016 by Phlatbed
Collaborative consumption has a direct correlation to your local economy, the sharing economy. Though technology has increased access and reduced geographic limitations, collaborative consumption at it’s very core is directly tied to supporting your immediate local economy….everything from food, clothing, services, moving, car sharing, couch surfing, among other things. Here are five simple ways to