Gig economy for pick-up and delivery – Uber, Lyft, Phlatbed | #Phlatbed | #gigeconomy | #funny
Thursday, 25 July 2019 by Phlatbed
- Published in gig economy, on demand delivery, on demand moving and furniture delivery, on demand pickup, on-demand delivery, on-demand moving, ondemand delivery, ondemand moving, ondemand moving and furniture delivery
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A Reddit users experience about moving.
Friday, 05 July 2019 by Phlatbed
Reddit user HumbrolUser posted a very poignant yet familiar experience about clearing out. The reddit user has mixed feelings about packing, in addition to moving. This experience about moving speaks volumes. It’s short and sweet. Quite fascinating, and a great though funny read! Packing up, picking up, delivery, or moving can sometimes stir up emotions